A selection of projects which Nelly Fili, the founder of |’n Art|, has organized or participated in:
28 September – 30 November 2016

The exhibition ‘Good Night, and Good Luck.’ constituted a collaborative project of eight worldwide curators -including Nelly Fili- with the A plus A Gallery, Venice and The Cool Couple artist duo. The show succeeded in investigating such issues in contemporary art by not just using art as a reflective device of our times, but by presenting it as an active participant in emancipator politics. Aesthetics and politics converged in the works of the selected artists, and offered a platform for rethinking the function of art and images in contemporary world. The exhibition was an investment in historical trajectory of control,conflicts, and freedom of expression, including examination of new functions art can have within such discourses and critical dealing with contemporary practices of image production and circulation.
10 October 2024
IFG Awards Ceremony – Acropolis Museum – Athens – Greece
|‘n Art| is a proud and dedicated supporter of the IFG Awards, a prestigious recognition exclusively established by the International Foundation for Greece (IFG) in conjunction with the Hellenic Post (ELTA).
The Awards culminate in the issuance of a special edition stamp honouring living international Hellenes who reside abroad, and who not only remain steadfast in their Hellenic identity but also actively promote and nurture the Hellenic spirit through their commendable endeavours.
2024 marks another milestone for the IFG Awards, as four distinguished Hellenes are once again eligible to be celebrated and immortalized on Hellenic postage stamps for their exceptional achievements. These are:
- * Dr George Miller [Director – Screenwriter – Producer]
- * Dr Demetri Porfyrios [Architect – Urban Designer – Visiting Professor Yale University – Archon of the Ecumenical Patriarchate]
- * Michael Psaros [Entrepreneur & Philanthropist – Co-Founder and Co-Managing Partner of KPS Capital Partners, LP – Archon Ostiarios of the Ecumenical Patriarchate]
- * Dean A. Spanos [Entrepreneur & Philanthropist – Controlling Owner & Chairman of the Board Los Angeles Chargers of the National Football League (NFL) – Chairman of the Board The Spanos Corporation / Construction & Multi-Family Development Company]
Proceeds from the Awards ceremony that took place at the Acropolis Museum, on Monday, 14th October 2024, will contribute directly to supporting the ongoing charitable goals of the International Foundation for Greece (IFG), such as simultaneously promoting Hellenic culture, education, and heritage.
Founded in London by George & Aspasia Leventis, the International Foundation for Greece (IFG) plays a pivotal role on a national and international scale in benefiting society and supporting the arts.
A proportion of the revenue generated from |’n Art|’s online sales of artworks from the gallery’s meticulously curated collection is gifted to the International Foundation for Greece (IFG), directly contributing to the fulfilment of the Foundation’s objectives.
This synergy aligns with our commitment to social responsibility and cultural heritage awareness, seamlessly integrating the objectives of Philanthropy into the realm of the Arts.

26 – 29 May 2016
Voluntary participation in Art-Athina 2016 (The International Forum of Art) at the Very Young Contemporary Art pavilion. Nelly Fili was responsible for the educational program called ‘BOOMBOOM DADA: The Enigma‘ about the DADA art movement in the occasion of its 100th anniversary.
25 – 27 September 2015
In-Heritage 3-day project (Innovative Industrial Heritage) addressed to art experts (Nelly Fili was chosen among 200 candidates) taking place at 3 locations representative of Hellenic Industrial Heritage (Lavrion Technological and Cultural Park,Industrial Gas Museum, The Museum of Industrial Olive-Oil Production of Lesvos), emphasizing on and promoting IndustrialHeritage Innovation and Entrepreneurship by creating art and culture prototypes.
October 2012
Performance art show ‘PUZZLE ‘ (music, dance, video art) at the Athens Concert Hall in cooperation with the ‘Centre of Providing Free Artistic Expression‘.
Nelly Fili was the Head and Coordinator of the Organizing Team.